Festivals are always the best opportunities to purchase the goods you were not willing to buy or had no ability to afford in the past days. 2015 Halloween is coming. Are you ready to open your wallet? To make your Halloween celebration even greater, Pavtube Studio has prepared a great Halloween Promotion – we are offering you a generous 40% Discount on our Blu-ray & DVD Softwares (Windows 10 and El Capitan supported).

Since Pavtube Studio offers many kinds of Blu-ray/DVD/Video softwares that you possibly don't know which one to choose, I can make a brief introduction and a recommendation to you.
Recommendation 1: If you often do video conversion process, you can take Pavtube Video Converter Ultimate and Pavtube iMedia Converter for Mac into consideration. It can accept any Halloween movie source, like Blu-ray/DVD disc and 4K/SD/HD online/local video in any format and transform them to nearly any popular video format you have ever seen.

Recommendation 2: For those who have plenty of Blu-ray discs, Pavtube BDMagic and Pavtube BDMagic for Mac will be the best choice. They are cheaper than the recommendation one but supply the same effect on Blu-ray/DVD Halloween movies.

Recommendation 3: DVD owners who just need to rip and backup DVD disc or copy DVD folder, DVD ISO/IFO can focus on Pavtube DVDAid and Pavtube DVDAid for Mac. It only can deal with DVD movies but it is the cheapest item.

Recommendation 4: Pavtube ByteCopy and Pavtube ByteCopy for Mac are for situation that your Halloween Blu-ray/DVD movies have several subtitles and audio tracks and you want to keep all the tracks and chapter markerswhile ripping and copying the discs. What's more, it enables you to extract FLAC/WAV audio from Blu-ray audio disc and extract SRT subtitle from Blu-ray movies.

Think about which one is the best choice for you so that you can solve your video conversion problem with the least money. Don't waste the money-saving chance on Halloween. Just do it!